毎次寫一封英文Email給客戶,都不知道怎麼開始寫.... 英文Email寫作其實有一些共通格式(format),寫一封詢問意見、安排行程的Email,只要幾分鐘就夠了。以下例句:
How have you been? 最近好嗎?
How is your new project going on? 你案子進行還順利嗎?
I would like to call a
meeting in the afternoon about our annual plan. 今天下午我想就年度計劃開會討論一下。
I want to talk to you
over the phone regarding the new project. 我想跟你電話討論新專案。
Shall you
have any problem accessing the folders, please let me know.
Thank you
and look forward to having your opinion on budget. 謝謝你,希望能聽到更多你對預算建議。
Feel free
to give your comments. 請隨時提出您的建議。
Please call
me if you have any questions. 有任何問題,歡迎打電話給我。
comments and suggestions are welcome! 歡迎您提供建議!
It would be
nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user's behavior. 您若是能夠就用戶行為方面提供更多的資訊就太好了。
At your
convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue. 如果可以,我希望你能仔細審查這件事。
4. Give feedback 意見回饋
Please see comments
below. 請看以下的評論。
My answers
are in blue below. 我的回答已用藍字表示。
I add some comments to the document for your
reference. 我在文件上添加了一些備註,僅供參考。
5. Attachment 附件
I attach the evaluation
report for your reference. 我附加了評估報告供您閱讀。
Attached please find
today's meeting notes. 今天的會議記錄在附件裡。